Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mock Exam on Collections & Generics - 1

  1. TreeMap class is used to implement which collection interface. Select the one correct answer.
    1. Set
    2. SortedSet
    3. List
    4. Tree
    5. SortedMap
  2. Name the Collection interface implemented by the Vector class.
  3. Name the Collection interface implemented by the Hashtable class.
  4. Name the Collection interface implemented by the HashSet class.
  5. Which of these are interfaces in the collection framework. Select the two correct answers.
    1. Set
    2. List
    3. Array
    4. Vector
    5. LinkedList
  6. Which of these are interfaces in the collection framework. Select the two correct answers.
    1. HashMap
    2. ArrayList
    3. Collection
    4. SortedMap
    5. TreeMap
  7. What is the name of collection interface used to maintain non-unique elements in order.
  8. What is the name of collection interface used to maintain unique elements.
  9. What is the name of collection interface used to maintain mappings of keys to values.
  10. Is this true or false. Map interface is derived from the Collection interface.
    1. True
    2. False
Answers to questions on Collections
  1. e
  2. List
  3. Map
  4. Set
  5. a,b
  6. c,d
  7. List
  8. Set
  9. Map
  10. b

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